“Hacktoberfest та open-source” Mykhailo Pazyniuk · Talk (40 minutes)

Відкриття для себе open-source, участь у Hacktoberfest та чому варто приділяти увагу проектам з відкритим кодом.

“Pentest Expectations” Ihor uZ · Talk (40 minutes)

What do pentesters looking for and what customers wish to receive in their reports?
Examples of easy account compromise.

What do pentesters look for the rest of the project time?
Classic OWASP checklist.

What are pentesters tired to report but still have to

“Cilium - Network Security for Microservices. Let's See How It Works with Istio” Stanislav Kolenkin · Talk (40 minutes)

Cilium is a CNI -compliant networking plugin used to provide multi-host network connectivity for Linux containers and a way to define granular network-layer and application-layer security policies.

“Basic Ideas of OSINT and Why It Is Useful” Nadia Klymenko · Talk (40 minutes)

Describing what is OSINT. Describing a couple of OSINT tools: Censys.io, Google Dorks, The Harvester, Shodan, Nmap, etc.

“Quarantine Nights: exploiting macOS File Quarantine in popular apps” Vladimir Metnew · Talk (40 minutes)

Quarantine Nights: exploiting macOS File Quarantine in popular apps

“Injections - 4 Ways of Penetration” Evgeny Tolchinsky · Talk (40 minutes)

I will show 4 types of injections and we will discuss how to protect against them.