Sam Stepanyan
Sam Stepanyan is an OWASP London Chapter Leader and an Independent Application Security Consultant with over 20 years of experience in the IT industry with a background in software engineering and web application development. Sam has worked for various financial services institutions in the City of London specialising in Application Security consulting, Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), developer training, source code reviews and vulnerability management. He is also a Subject Matter Expert in Web Application Firewalls (WAF) and SIEM systems. Sam holds a Master’s degree in Software Engineering and a CISSP certification.

WordPress: Hacking and Securing
WordPress is the world's most popular Content Management System, which makes it a lucrative target for cyber criminals. Thousands of WordPress-based websites get hacked daily and according to the GoDaddy report 90% of hacked websites in 2019 were running WordPress CMS. In this talk you will learn about several vulnerabilities and methods used to hack into WordPress websites (including live demo) and some of the mitigations and methods you can use to improve the security of your WordPress websites.