“OWASP MSTG in Real Life” Julia Potapenko · Talk (40 minutes)
Working with mobile payments processing requires us to constantly consider security of our users on every project development phase. OWASP MSTG (Mobile Security Testing Guide) perfectly summarizes our experience that I am willing to share with the audience.
“Shooting yourself in the feet with php” Taras Sharkadi · Talk (40 minutes)
PHP object injection attack review with examples and demos.
“All about Subdomain Takeover attack” Kostiantyn Sanduliak · Workshop (80 minutes)
This workshop about understanding, finding, exploiting, and reporting subdomain misconfigurations.
“Ваше веб-приложение уязвимо!” Dmytro Naumenko · Talk (40 minutes)
Разработка становится всё более доступной, множество высокоуровневых инструментов снижают порог входа, уровень проникновения технологий безудержно растёт, и, как следствие, растёт количество окружающих нас систем. Уязвимых систем.
Доклад ориентирован на разработчиков, которым небезразлична безопасн…
“Adversarial attacks on DNNs” Andrey Shalaenko · Talk (40 minutes)
When Deep Neural Networks go wrong – adversarial examples and what we can learn from them.
“Overview of iOS apps security assessment” Dmytro Diordiichuk · Workshop (80 minutes)
Short overview of iOS security assessment: what to test, how to test, tools overview